When She Said, Do Whatever You Want With Me, Monster Came In The Disguise Of Human

What if human get the freedom to do whatever he wants with the other, it will be insane or worse than your imagination. An example came in Front of us in Italy. It's 1974 when a 23-year old young women name Marina Abramović gives the freedom for 6 hours to people for doing anything with her even killing her. This example shows us a terrific face of human and saying that "how quickly people become bestial if you give them the permission to do so." This performance of Marina Abramović spread with name Rhythm 0.
Marina Abramović

Rhythm 0, 1974

It was 1974. There was a gallery in Naples, Italy, and a young women age 23 standing in the middle of the space and a table was in Front of her with 76 objects in which some objects for pleasure like a glass of water, a coat, a rose, honey, etc. and some for pain or harm her like a knife, a razor blade, a hammer and also a pistol with one bullet, etc. There are instructions which say "I'm an object, you can use everything from the table on me. I am taking all responsibility -- even killing me and the time is six hours."

       The beginning of this performance was easy. People would give her the glass of water to drink, they'd give her the rose but very soon after. When they confirmed that it's OK for them, they started to show their real face. A man came and took the scissors and start cutting her clothes, after that he took the thorns of the rose and stuck them in her stomach. It is beyond my imagination that how much pain she was tolerating physically & mentally. I seem like if I collect my all pain from birth to till, it will nothing compare than her pain. But that does not stop, another person came, took the razor blade from the table and start cutting her neck and drank the blood. Everyone was thinking that what they can do and women would tell the men what to do.

It will be happening in public when men took the form of a demon. What would have happened if it was not publicly? I do not know, how much more terrible it will take. The men didn't rape her because it was just a normal opening, and it was all public, and they were with their wives. They carried her around and put her on the table and put a knife between her legs. Somebody took the pistol and bullets from the table and put it against her temple and another person took the pistol and started a fight. Six hours had ended, she was a mess, she was half naked, she was full of blood and tears were running down her face and everybody escaped, the same people who were showing their... I don't know what they were want to show a while ago could not confront herself, with herself as a normal human being.

A man taking an object

Knife between Legs

A man is cutting  her clothes

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