Devi is a title of restrictions, not power.

If I talk about my point of view, I firmly believe that the concept of considered women as a goddess is one of the most worse concepts, especially when we talk about women's rights. And it becomes worst when a woman, especially a traditional woman, starts believing in this concept.

Because it is like the most beautiful cage in the world but remembers, it doesn't matter how much a cell is gorgeous because it is a cage that can't give you freedom. The only thing it can provide you is a little pleasure at the cost of your space.

Before, when women don't care about their rights and freedom, they were all in this cage. But nowadays, especially in India, when women start focusing on their rights and realizing that they have to stand for themself. Breaking this cage becomes one of the most challenging things for most women because of the beauty of the cell.

It is like you want freedom, but you didn't want to break the cage. So, most women start fighting to increase the cage area instead of breaking the cell so they can feel a little bit more freedom.

Today also I had seen so many women who proud when someone called them "DEVI SAMAAN" or when someone advertises a concept of Indian culture which says that "for us, a woman is "DEVI SAMAAN." But trust me, there is nothing in this title to be proud of because this is the fact that "YOU ARE NOT ANY DEVI." You are just like all humans.

Some women never want to lose this so-called DEVI title because it gives the feeling of queen or power, but this title only can give you the sense of power at the cost of your freedom and the cost of your authentic power.

If you analyze a little bit, you can find yourself like you are the king, but you have no power; all controls are on the other's hand.

For a very long time, this title gives to women-only fear of losing that title. Just sit and think about what this title gives you; you will find nothing more than fear. This title forced you to do those things you didn't want to do, but you do because you knew very well that this society would snatch the title from you if you do not follow their orders.

I had watched a video on women's day, which my sister shared in a family WhatsApp group. That video was made for women's special in which a man just read so many quotes on women, and he also defines why a woman should wear that and not that with the help of the "DEVI SAMAAN" concept.

He said that our culture considered a woman the same as the goddess that why a woman shouldn't wear that type of clothes and should wear that type.

A question arises in my mind, "is our culture considered women similar to a GOD? or they use this title for just snatching the idea of freedom from the mind of a woman." Because I never saw that in action, I just read these quotes somewhere on the internet.

Because one side, you are considering the woman as a GOD, but at the same time, you are writing some rules, or you are defining that what she should or shouldn't wear or what she should or shouldn't do. It is like we are defining or teaching or ordering our GOD that how he should live.

I know so many women proud to be called Goddesses but a king without power is no king.

Well, I don't believe in that shit concept. I don't think that women are equal to God, and I also don't want to consider that because I don't believe in GOD.

And if you are the one who believes in that. In that case, you are the one who thinks that every Muslim is a terrorist. Every Pakistani is against India. All upper caste people are cruel to lower-caste, or every rich person is a wrong person, etc., which is nothing more than the just ignorance and stupidity of a human.

- Thank you
इस आर्टिकल को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे।

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