Is Your GOD Really Powerful In Reality? As You Think

The motive of this article is not hurting anyone's feeling or beliefs. I am just representing some points and facts.

I have seen people, they believe in GOD more than them-self. They think he is powerful. They have a fear of him, they believe in him.

But the more, they have fear of him(god) and that is obvious because of our mythological stories designed by powerful people. They designed them like so they can rule and weak people feared with that/them(god/powerful people).

Religion teaches us always worship towards powerful people.
Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool.      - Mark Twain -
People go to the temple (here temple denote all religion Shrine). They go because they believe he is powerful. He can give them what they want, but the question is that, is really he is able to give you all those things which you want?

I have seen people, they prefer to go to the temples before their exams. Some are trying to impress him by giving money and in this digital world some trying to impress him by uploading his picture on social media's status or by changing DP with god's picture.

And they also give credit to him for their good results. I have a question for all of these type of people.

Where was your god on 16 Dec 2012? When a 23-year old innocent woman was beaten, tortured, and raped by 6-men, where was your god when her friend was beaten, gagged, and knocked unconscious with an iron rod, where was your god when they threw both victims from the moving bus after the beating and rape ended, where was your god when she was fighting with death. 

Was he busy in preparation for your exam, so he can help you, or he was busy somewhere else in solving someone's personal problems or somewhere, where he was seeing more bribe. Well, whatever else but if your god really exists, he is selfish, nothing more. He goes, where he felt more profit.

You need to think a bit only, if he can come for your exam, if he is able to listen to everybody, if he can watch everything, any time, if he has the power of doing anything, is really your god does not come at that time?

How can you give your credit to a person(god) who cannot save his daughter and son while some monsters in the face of human rapping her and torturing them? And you say he is so powerful, really?

There are some theories in some religion cultures which say, all the things(problems) which you are facing are the results of your previous birth's Karmas even if you are innocent in this birth.

Is really? Everything which is happening in this world because of our previous birth's Karmas.

Is really? A 24-year old girl raped by 6 men because of her previous birth's Karmas. She has punished for her some crimes in which she had no idea what she did.

Is really? an eight-year-old innocent girl gang-raped because of her crimes, which she has no realized when she did?

If your religious theory is right? How can anyone give to someone this type of punishment for any crime and in this case we have no realize even,  that what we did or really we did or not, only a monster can do that.

People prefer to go to the temple because they believe that these temples are home of the god, a place where God exists, where they can go with their problems but what do I believe when an 8-year old girl gang raped in a temple in front of God. Was he also involve in this? 

I don't know, why people have trust, why they believed too much in God. Why they give too much importance to him and his religion. I do not trust and believe in any god and religion with my closed eyes, first I read, observe, and understand all talks of all gods and religions and take only those things which I fell rights, which will help me to grow not pushing me back.

This is natural, that nothing can be perfect or totally right because this nature is not about perfections, it is about imperfections and improvement, have you ever see a tree with the perfect shape? No, because every tree has a different shape which we can not define geometrically. So, how can anybody say that all things which are mentioned in religious books are rights? Who knows, what was the real purpose of writing the texts and what was conditions at that time. We all know that there is only one thing constant that is change. So, why you consider religious texts as a constant.

 Now, we have grown too much and we also need to up our limits, just take all only good things from these religious texts, which will help you to be a better person, don't take these all as it is because you have also your own mind, so use it.

Everything needs updates with time and now we need to think above all these restrictions of gods, religions, cast...
-- Thank You -- 

1 comment:

  1. Well written 👌👌
    For progress we have to leave the shitty rituals/religion,and has to be a rational thinker
