If God never Done, Why are People doing?

I am not Hindu,
I am not Muslim,
I am not Christian,
I am not Sikh,
I am not Buddhism,
I am not Jainism,
I am not ________,


Just look at the beginning of religions

           These all religions starts when God birth as a human but they birth without RELIGION. They are not Jainism, Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhism or any other:
Guru Nanak never says, I am Sikh,
Tridevs never say, we are Hindu,
Allah never says, I am Muslim,
Jesus never says, I am Christian,
Mahaveer ji never says, I am Jainism,
Buddha never says, I am Buddhism,


Reason behind why God came between us

God comes for joining the peoples not for dividing,
He wants LOVE in heart of people for another,
He NEVER want that, peoples FIGHTING for me,
"If people continuing fighting for Religion, God never come again on earth" because they never want division of peoples on the group of religion and castes. We all the son of GOD, you can think yourself no father wants that their sons fight
When a human birth they have no sign of religion

Allah birth for helping the peoples,
Guru Nanak birth for helping the peoples,
Krishna birth for helping the peoples,
Buddha birth for helping the peoples,
Mahaveer ji birth for helping the peoples,
Jesus birth for helping the peoples,
So, why humans are not interested to helping others, why HUMANITY is dying.
'God never say that you dressed, sari, burkha, white clothes or others,
God never say, married with in same region or in same cast,
They never say that the married is confirmed when they say 'KABOOL HAI' three times or by 7 rounds of fire, or any other way....
They never say females are weak and males are strong...
They never measure the peoples on the bases of their clothes
They distribute freedom to all the peoples in equal quantity'
So, why peoples do these all things
Why peoples measures the peoples on the bases of their clothes.
Why homosexual married are illegal, when we all are the sons of same father/mother,
Why we are treated Boys, Girls, Gays, Lesbians in different way.
"They say that this is not my ambition,
They say that this is not my people,
They says that I am not like him,
Then why does he looks like me"

"We have only one Religion and that is also the religion of GOD - LOVE"
Thank you 

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