Reason behind forgetting learned things like school's lessons

Why? why we can't remember the memorized lessons, and it is not that we didn't work hard for it, someone burn the midnight oil for school, someone for job but on the exam day or we can say at the time of exam we always forgot something and you must have said these sentences during exam or after exam with frustration...
come on, come on
shit, I read it but don't remember
So, before the knowing the reason behind it we first need to understand the 'importance'.

What is importance?

In reality what did you do, what you are doing & what you will do, it doesn't matter the important is that 'why you did it' you can take an example, what do you think beating is a bad thing? so think a person beating an other person unnecessarily in the meantime, a third person comes in and starts to beat the person who is beating  to save that person. In this example first & third person doing the same thing both beating but we judge their character on the bases of why they are doing not what they are doing because importance is not about what are you doing, importance is about why are you doing.
In the next paragraph we will known what is the main factor for acquiring knowledge(GYAN)

Way to being perfect in any field.

For being perfect in any field you need knowledge of that field(here is not being said about only bookish knowledge).. So, what is the need of acquiring knowledge? Everyone has the infinite power to acquire knowledge from birth because acquiring knowledge is not the function of our any body's part, knowledge is the innate quality of the soul you can see yourself in childhood, have you ever worked  hard  to speak, walk, scream &  do many such thing. No, because there is no need of struggle to acquire knowledge only surrender(dedication) & concentration are sufficient. We never feel like we need any struggle to learn the name of things which we use in daily life T.V., mobile, laptop, fan, etc.(why don't we need to work hard to learn the name of all these? The complete answer is in the next para) but like a climber surrender yourself in front of mountain, a swimmer surrender yourself in front of water same we need for gaining knowledge is dedication & concentration and where there is no dedication & concentration, forgetting there is a mandatory one.
So a question arises in the mind why then we can't remain monopolistic.

Why is the mind not concentrating while acquiring knowledge?

Whatever your reason for burning midnight oil, the reason for not keeping the lessons in mind is because of your reason of learning.

When knowledge is considered a human instrument, for some other purpose we comes out to acquire knowledge(other purpose mean, you are reading only because of your exam or for any other reason not for acquiring knowledge) then when we acquire knowledge our mind can not be concentrate, and knowledge, knowledge does not become attribute of his sole. Like color, color is not the own attribute of cloth and that's why the color is lost in sunlight. The person who receive knowledge by knowing the value of his priceless wisdom become the 'BEST' but the person who acquires knowledge only for achieving something else is engaged in competing to become the no.1 throughout life but never become the BEST. Same when we do not read or learn the lessons because we  want to gain their wisdom we only read the lessons for marks, in a wayou are physically present at that time but mentally one part of our brain is continue competing with our classmates or competitors and our mind never ceases to be calm and this is why we forgot the lessons that we learned. So next time don't read for marks just read for get their priceless wisdom and you will see a magic you get a lot with marks.
Study not for exam, studying for acquire knowledge.
Best of luck
Thank you  

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