You should stop to saying "He/She is my first & last"

I have never understood my feelings, actually I am always confused between 'what I actually feel' and 'what I want to feel'. So when I watching peoples with lot of love, emotion, anger... to someone I am always think that, that's him/her reality or only they trying to be reality.

Why did he/she promises when they had to break them?

          I am watches so many peoples with lots of promises.I see their status posts on social media(s) day to day with lot of promises, and I watches also that every day someone lefts someone & these were the same peoples who never think that they will need to do breakup at any point of him/her life. In reality, they never think about fighting, breakup or those factors which can separate them When they are doing promises and at the time of fighting they never thinks about their promises because those words comes out to him/her mouth as promises, actually they are not coming for promising, they comes only because he/she know after listening, this person will attracts more towards me. Some people will take this article wrongly because they have no guts to listing the reality, they are happy with their comforting lies and my motive is not to hurt anyone or break one's relationship because I never can think about breaking anyone relation even when I have a crush on someone who are in relationship. My motive is simple, that to realize those people that they need to understand the reality that their is no need to take so much serious these things or any things at wrong time just enjoy your relationship. I am just saying "at wrong time and so much serious" because when you takes these all things at wrong times you may suffered with depression, anxiety, insomnia, hypersomnia... And i can't understand why some people, no no so many peoples starts to think their future life on the bases of him/her promises, what is the need of visualization, actually they need to prepare themselves to listing and accepting the truth, if they have concrete facts or reason so what is the need to saying that they never leave me, I am not saying that, start to doubting on your relationship, I am just say enjoy your relation but don't loose yourself in the "deep of illusion of the lovely words of your partner".

Can LOVE ruin you?

           I see so many people with saying 'because of love I destroyed' I never understood 'how' because "LOVE is not about destroying, it's about creating". I see so many peoples with saying that my partner will never leave me and when I want the reason behind this, they don't have any concrete reason. Ok that's fine if you can't define that into words because they are the beyond the words, it's fine but if you have slight doubt why are you satisfying yourself with saying that 'he/she will never leave me' you know when we are struggling so much to getting something, it hurts more when they goes, don't struggle to much to getting love because 'LOVE is not about struggling, it's about REST or STABLE'.

"You Have To Give Up Giving Relief To Yourself By Saying 'THIS IS MY FIRST AND LAST...' Because In This World Everything Is Not In Our Hand, We Can Hope To A Bright Future But Don't Try To Decide The Future Especially When It does not depend on You, Depends On Someone Else, Who Know What Condition Comes In Their Life So 'He Didn't Want To Do This Too".
Thank you 

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