My 2018 Journey, How was yours?

As the Steve jobs said in his story of connecting the dots.
You can't connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backward.
I have seen so many people saying 'one year more going to be end' in their tone there is a regret, regret of doing nothing special, they think they have not achieved any new things, their one more year has gone as same as previous one but that's not true, truth is they never try to connect, even find their dots.
There was a time when I was alone and had nothing to do except thinking and suddenly I realized this year is about to  end & started trying to connect all the life's dots of this year, as the result, I found a beautiful journey and felt like I should  share this story with all you. So, I am gonna start with first thing which happened, which is my favorite one and also that teaches me a lot about life.

1. I realized, I am in LOVE

Yeah, this is one of the best thing happened not in this year but in my whole life, this happened in 2018's February when i went to KOTA for my exams but beginning of this story had started in previous year(2017), which was going with the feeling of something missing even I had lots of beautiful choices but there was a sound from inside which was not allowing me to choose anyone but i had no single clue to find why this sound was not in my favor, only a strange loneliness was haunting and the time passed by & with time 2017 also passed by and 2018 was waiting for me with a lots of surprises. It was ending of 2018's January when I decided to go to KOTA for exam, I stayed at my friend's room for approx 8-10 days and during those 10 days something happened which was the answer to my all questions. Finally I had found something, so I could fill my empty space which was haunting me, I had found the answer of that which was stopping me to choose any one but maybe it was too late...

2. First time I went somewhere without any work only for travelling with a friend (My First Trip)

The purpose for which I came to KOTA finally had been completed and there was approx 6 days left in ending 2018's march, me & my friend 'Aditya Saraogi' started planning to go somewhere. Finally we decided Chittorgarh, for going on 24th march 2018. We chose train of timing 10:45pm, so we left our hostels at approx 9:30pm and took an auto to reach junction, suddenly we changed our thought of going Chittorgarh to Udaipur and we arrived at 4:05am of next day at Chittorgarh then took a second train at 5:10am for Udaipur city & finally we had arrived udaipur at 7:20am. We found a safe place to stay and when we got fresh, we went out to explore the udaipur, after 8hrs of continuous travelling we came back at our stay place & just slept, my eyes opened at 8:00pm and after taking a view of outside I woke him up and  got ready to take a night meal and after next day being in Chittorgarh, we came back to KOTA.

A trip to Udaipur with Aditya Saraogi

3. Decision of Solo-travelling

As you travel solo, being totally responsible for yourself, it's inevitable that you will discover just how capable you are.
I was on the road of a totally strange city Agra. This was first time when I went alone in an unknown city. It may scare you but its helps you to build the confidence, fighting with social phobia, anxiety and also the most important thing its gives you time to live with yourself & for yourself.

4. Took a stand to be independent

This realization, that soon a time will come when i will not feel good to take money from my parents for my basic needs. I felt this on October 2016 and on the date 15 October 2016 I had also written a paragraph in my diary about that feeling and finally that time came on 1st July 2018 when I  went to Delhi for the purpose of finding any vacancy at the post of graphic designer & from 2nd July 2018 I had joined a company, this process took only one day because of my brother's friend, who helped me a lot & for that I wanna say Thank You to him.

5. I completed FOUR books

The process of book reading basically started from the April 2018 when I had come back to my home from KOTA. The first book which I read in 2018 was 
The Bhagwata Gita
This book calmed me & filled me with a positive energy, trust me if you are suffering from restless, stress, anxiety and any type of mental problem you should read this book at least one time in your life.
Life is what you make it by Preeti Shenoy
I really appreciate this book. If this time you are on that stage where you feel like losing everything, you have regrets, your thoughts going towards suicide &behind that suicidal thoughts reason can be anything failing, break-up, personal problems etc. This book totally teaches you that suicide is not a solution. It may be possible that the end of this book looks a little strange or weird but this book will leave a inner smile at the end. 
The Magic by Rhonda Byrne
This book is one of the series of 'The Secret' book and forces you to think positive even when all the situations are not in your hands.
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
This book recognizes the power of 'DESIRE' and shows you, what a desire can do and what they have done.


6. Finally, I have bought my domain

Before 20 Dec 2018, the blog which you are reading current  had no .com domain. I was thinking to buy its domain since June but as the old men said 'Nothing gets ahead of time'.

             There are some more things happened but these things, I am not gonna share because something are made for only some special people, basically it's a little personal.
Finally this year is living its last moment. Now it will be good to see that 2019 will coming with what surprises.
Don't forget to tell me, 'How Yours 2018 Went' in comment box.

Bye Bye 2018
Welcome 2019

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