A brief history of the words: LOVERS | GF/BF | JUST FRIEND

It has always been hard for the people to give a name of any non-blood relation. Initially, there were only some words for defining them, wife, husband, & friend and in this also friends word used only between same sex, mean we could not used this word for a girl & a boy but after seeing the the people attractions toward opposite sex, one more word take the birth in this world and that was 'lover'.


That word worked perfectly till sometime, but a problem came and stand in-front of human. Basically, it was a word whom had no need of anyone permission to use. For better understanding we can take an example, if a first person say to a second person that I am the lover of third person, so in this case second person can not say surely about third person that the third one is also the lover of first one. We can use the 'lover' word for both 'one side love/attraction' and 'two side love/attraction', so now we need  a word which can also define the third person feeling and whom we can not use without the permission of third person, so we discovered two words separately for female & male and that were 'girlfriend' & 'boyfriend'.

Girlfriend & Boyfriend

Girlfriend & Boyfriend in short GF & BF respectively. These two words express love/attraction to each other with a beautiful way.
               A girl can gives the tag of boyfriend to any boy or can said i am the girlfriend of him if and only if that boy also attract/love her or we can say allow her. Same in the case of boy, a boy can gives the tag of girlfriend to any girl or can said i am the boyfriend of her if and only if that girl also attract/love him or we can say allow him.
These words were working perfectly, suddenly a revolution came 'a boy & girl can be just friend?'

A boy & girl can be just friends?

During this time people were/are in very confuse about their feelings and thoughts and at the same time came when people's need & confusion mate to each other and as a result 'insecurity' took a big face and this insecurity started showing his effect. It changed the definition of LOVE to the world, where love was the sign of freedom, people start feeling of being trapped and oppressed. For fixing it 'a boy & girl can be friend' revolution takes birth in this world but it was not a solution , it was only a shield which can be protect us from this virus(suffocation), which could completed our need with full of freedom, not full but almost full. This relationship involves all the activities of  a gf/bf except sexual activity, some people said it is completely fine, if we get everything except completion of sexual desire, we except it because we have another ways to complete sexual desire till right time. Basically, it was the best version of a relationship to extended the commitment with enjoying it. Well, it was so beautiful but never be accepted completely by society, where some people believed 'a boy & a girl can be just friend' the same few people believed that 'a boy & a girl never be just friend', where some people called it only need, the same few people called it real and both were right at their place because both are too much similar. Well, it is still a question
Is a boy & girl can be just friend?... Or those who need it just pretending as they are really possible..?
And as much as the people entangle in his feelings & thoughts, new-new words came into this world like Best Friend, Bestie, Close Friend, Best Buddy, Best Friend Forever aka BFF.



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