A Step Towards Improving Education System And Our Thinking

There were some teachers in my school's life. Who used to beat too much and used to say that "we know, you all were abusing me at that time because we also did the same things when we were in your age but today, we are thankful to those who were forced us to study and when you all will come at our life's stage, you all will think the same thing that our teachers did the right.

From that time, I am still waiting for, when, when will that time come but the time has not yet come and I am sure that will never come because schools have the fucking system.
      When I was studying in school, there were approx 8 Subjects and today I have no single thing memories about these subjects except 2-3 subjects and in real life, I do not even need them but don't misinterpret, that there is no need of these all subjects but I am saying I had no need of all of them, it may be possible that those things are waste for me the same things precious for someone and those things waste for someone the same things precious for me. As the Albert Einstein said.

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.     -Albert Einstein-
Today, when I see myself with fewer skills and start to learn them. So, I feel like how much time I have wasted in my past. I know, I can't change it but it may be can change your view to seeing this world. I think, what will happen if schools take these skills like dancing, singing, martial art, programming, sketching, etc. as a primary instead of secondary subjects. They taught us till 6th class or maximum 8th class. In this also they were just complete formality.

What, what will happen if they take these all skills seriously, as the main subject. Maybe someone could find their dream, path, passion, interest, hobby. They never teach us, how to be creative, how to develop new ideas, how to create new things, they just train us for competition. Peter Thiel wrote in their fourth chapter of book 'Zero to One'-
Competition mean no profit for anybody, no meaningful differentiation, and a struggle for survival.
From the initial, our educational system is continuous work on only competition. Grades themselves allow precise measurement of each student's competitiveness; pupils with the highest marks receive status and credentials. There was a study happen in 1968 which found that our ability to think creatively decreases as we go through the school system.

The study - We're all born creative geniuses until we enter the school system:

In 1968, NASA asked Dr. George Land and Dr. Beth Jarman to create a test to assess the creativity of their engineers and scientists. The test worked so well that Land and Jerman decide to conduct a research study.
          Using the test, they assessed the creativity of 1600 4-5 year old children. They found 98% of the children scored at the genius level. After some year they tested the same children at 10-year-old and again 15-year-old and the result was shocking because of the percentage of kids who scored at a genius level decreased to 30% and then 12% respectively and when 3,00,000 adults took that test, only 2% scored at genius level for creative thinking.
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.     -Albert Einstein-
 Every scientist will tell you that no two brains are the same so, why we teach every child the same subjects in mostly the same ways, irrespective of individual talents and preferences. In our classes, one teacher stands in front of 20-30 students, each one having different strength, different needs, different gifts, different dreams and they teach us the same things in the same ways.

    Why we can't leave on children to choosing their own path, after all, that's her/his life, not ours. And we can not live with them all the time. Sometimes they will have to walk alone, so they should have trained for it.
-Thank you-

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