A Girl: Why Should I Always Do Sacrifice?

It is very simple for a man to say, 'get out of my house.' She leaves her home and comes to his house because she loves him. She cares about him and his family because she loves him. She accepts another's house as her home because she loves him and thinks, he also loves her.

She comes with the thought that this is also her home and everybody also said the same thing and maybe our constitution also gives her equal rights but, the truth is not the slaves of telling a lie or writing lie on any paper. The truth is, that house never be her, because for getting own things we do not need to sacrifices. You can promote the lie and also it can be the success in taking the face of truth but it never takes the place of truth.

A Question ?

I often think, why always a woman do sacrifice with her life? why only women should leave her home after marriage? why only she needs to change her whole lifestyle after marriage and after the death of her husband?

For getting the answer, I start with history because these rules were continued from a very long time but the answers I found were frustrating. I continued my search with that hope, maybe somewhere I will find my answer but no, I proved wrong. I couldn't see anywhere even a single logical point, so I can agree with these religious cultures' rule.

I was thinking, how can people believed blindly on someone's rules. They afraid to break them, I don't know why maybe because of society which makes by them. Who knows, when these all rules or traditions were made, what were situations. Today we have changed a lot with globally and technologically but why your mentality is still in the past.

We can't even say, these all rules made for our goodness. Who knows, maybe it can be a conspiracy, which was created for his personal selfishness. My mind often arises a question. Those things we feel, see, and know are real or only which this society want to feel, show, and teach us because from childhood we are trained like this.

A fear of God

Have you ever think, why in mostly case, from initial, a man ordered to a woman, not because he born with power, he strong, etc. all this is just a matter of saying. Reality is, he played a smart move to take the controls of women in his hand. He attacked psychologically. He created a script in which a woman worship to a man and she believed that her husband is her whole life, his happiness is her happiness, his brief is her grief and promoted this script as much as possible. It was shown as like reality and for that they used everything, they started scaring the people with the name of GOD. They were using the word GOD for their selfishness. People start believing that, if they did not follow them, they will face God's anger. And with time this myth went stronger.

I know everybody knows the reality, I know everybody feels something wrong but I also know no one will change because all are afraid with an invention which invented by them,
S O C I E T Y.
-Thank You- 

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