How Can You Help Your Children To Find Their Passion?

We all look at the world but some people have distinct perspectives. They have a design sense, which is called aesthetic sense. Similar, everyone speaks but some people sing very humming. So, we can say that everyone has the fundamental capabilities and basic brain circuits for doing these all things but its fine-tuning different for each one and because of this difference of fine-tuning someone does mountaineering, someone engineering, someone writes, poetry, singing, while someone paints. Not everyone doing the same thing and before understanding that, why everyone has different-different interest. We need to know that who assembles the brain? 

Who assembles the brain?

The brain is a fantastic computer as we all know. While a computer can be assembled bring different part together. Who assembles the brain? Each part of the brain is produced in the womb and then wired together and this circuit's wiring pattern is what determines our core talents and our all fundamental capabilities.

Concept of critical periods

Stages of Brain Development in an Infant.
Every skill is nurtured in the womb itself and it continues to progress after birth. Every skill has its own timing. Some of their circuits are flexible or a little adjustable and that's why we all have the ability to learn something new and this is what critical periods are. Have you ever think, why without even realize kids pick up a new language but it is much harder for older people to learn a new language. The reason is very clear, as our age grows, our flexibility of circuits goes down.

What can we do?

Child's childhood is precious because in this period our brain circuits learn new things and get fine-tuning.
So, you can encourage your children to try out everything instead of stopping them because when they try out everything, it will easy for our children to find out their passion or realize what skill resonate most with their circuits.
-Thank you-

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