What Happened? When She Revealed, I'm Lesbian - This Story Maybe Change Your Way Of Thinking

How much it is weird, often people do not give respect to their talent, their good behavior, their manner. They consider gender, caste, religion, poor, rich, status more valuable.
Sometime, things go wrong and life gets tough and between that some people go broke but they do not know that it also happens to you as Diamond shines after cutting.
Most great people have attained their greatest success one step beyond their greatest failure.     -Napolean Hill-

A story of Ellen DeGeneres life

This story is a part of the journey of Ellen DeGeneres life which is a famous American comedian, television host, actress, writer, producer, and LGBT activist.
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Ellen Lee DeGeneres
Ellen DeGeneres has been one of the most well-liked talk show hosts for over the decade, known for her ability to get everyone dancing, and for having the coolest sneaker collection.

She never goes to college, any college. When she finished school, she was completely lost. She had no ambition. She did everything, she shucked the oyster, she was a hostess, bartender, waitress, she painted houses, she sold vacuum cleaners. She had no idea that what is her purpose? what she really want? She just wanted to settle on some job, so she can make enough money to pay her rent and can complete her basic needs. She did not have any plan.

She was living in a basement apartment. She had no money, she had no heat. She had only a mattress on the floor and the apartment, which was infested with fleas.

A tragic event happened:
When she was a teen, she thought she know who she is but she had no idea. The way she ended up on this path was from a very tragic event. she was approx 19 and her girlfriend at that time was killed in a car accident. She passed the accident but she didn't know that accident person was her girlfriend. She kept going but she found out shortly after, that it was her.

A time of depression:
After her death, she went to depression. She just picked up the phone and call GOD and start asking questions, why did she suddenly leave her, why she...? and also start writing it. It was totally an imaginary conversation with GOD which was one-sided. When she finished it, she said to herself "I'm going to do this on the tonight show with Johnny Carson." She has not ever been doing stand-up but after several years, she was the first and the only women in the history of the show to sit down only because of that imaginary phone conversation with GOD that she wrote.

A fear of loosing success:
She started this path stand-up and she had also achieved success in it. She got her own sitcom, she was very successful, another level of success but it was hard for her because she was trying to please everybody and had a secret, that she was keeping, that she is a lesbian. She thought if people found out, they would not like her, they would not laugh at her. She thought what if they find out that she is a lesbian, they'll never be watching her shows.

A decision:
Finally, she decided that she could not live anymore with so much shame and fear. She decided to come out and make it creative and her character would come out at the same time. It was not to make a political statement, it was not to do anything other than to free herself up from this heaviness that she was carrying around. She just wanted to be honest with herself. She was thinking, what's the worst can happen? I can lose my career, she did. She lost her career, the show was canceled without even telling her, she got inform after reading it in a newspaper.
Image result for ellen degeneres gif i am gay

The phone didn't ring for 3-year:
Till approx 3-year, She had no offer, nobody wanted to touch her at all and yet she was getting letters from kids that almost committed suicide but didn't because what she did and then she realized that she has a purpose. It was not about celebrity-hood. She felt like, she was being punished and it was a bad time. She was angry, she was sad and then she was offered a talk show and the people that offered her the talk show tried to sell it because they thought nobody would watch her and most station did not want to pick it up and most people did not want to buy it.

Now what she says?
She says, It was so important for me to lose everything because of that I found out what the most important thing "is to be true to yourself." Today, I don't live in fear, I'm free, I have no secret, and I know I will always be okay because of no matter what, I Know who I am.

When I was young. I thought success was something about to be famous, to be a star but my idea of success is different today and as you grow, you'll realize the definition of success changes. For me, the most important thing in life is to live your life with integrity and not to give into peer pressure to try to be something you're not. To live your life as an honest and compassionate person to contribute in some way.

Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, never follow someone else path and everything will be fine. I know that, a lot of you are concerned about your future but there is no need to worry. Some of the most devastating things that happen to you will teach you the most when life gets you down, you know what you gotta do, I just keep swimming, keep swimming, keep swimming.
Find out who you are and be that person. That's what your soul was put on this earth top be. Find that truth, live that truth and everything else will come.   -Ellen DeGeneres-

Books By Ellen DeGeneres

-Thank You-

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