


Here the word "prostitute" is not using only for women. Here the word prostitute refers to men, women, and all other sex workers. The term prostitute use because this society considering women as the pride of their house from centuries.

When I see people looking at prostitutes from a different dirty point of view, not accepting them by the societies and not respecting them, I think what is in this body, which is completely erasing the respect for prostitutes from the people's minds. Many questions arise in my mind, such questions which are difficult to understand even.

An idea often comes to mind that does not every living thing on this earth wants to reach this point. Look at two lovers; You don't think that they both are attracting towards intercourse. Two people want to get married to maintain their dignity in society and enjoy intercourse fully. Do not take my point wrong; I know love is not only about intercourse, and it cannot be because intercourse is only an act and love is behavior. But you also can not deny that the two lovers are attracting intercourse. Don't you think that breaking the relationship with someone because of intercourse does not reduce the difference between love and intercourse?

Why only two lovers, every living thing wants to taste the taste of intercourse, and at the same time, it is natural and also pure. The life of every living thing or creature is possible only through intercourse. It is that much natural and pure that every creature knows how to do it after a certain age. There is no need to learn like any other skills. So why such a natural and pure thing is a curse for prostitutes?

I know your answer is straightforward "prostitutes can intercourse to anyone for money". This sentence has two words "anyone" and "money" that erase the respect of prostitutes from society for a long time. "Anyone" is a word that smells of discrimination. This word denotes ignorance that is supposed to divide people. And another "money", a word that has no existence of its own. 

Prostitutes can have intercourse with anyone. -

There were two completely unknown people, both met and fell in love, and after some time they both got married, and then both had children. There were two more unknown people, they both fell in love, and after some time they both got married, and both had children. There were two more unknown people, both of them met for some reason and they both fell in love, then married and then both had children. These three stories are the same, but they are different stories. Similar infinite stories which are not different from these stories in listening, but there are different.

In all these stories, you might not have noticed one thing that everyone was unaware of initially; then it proved that the problem is not in the word "to anyone", if there are problems then they are at that time that how much time we spend to that person together. Prostitutes do not take time to spend with that person before having sex or say that they can make anyone their own in a moment. Otherwise, everyone is having sex with anyone because this sex is a strong desire and not a feeling—a desire which exists in everyone.

Prostitutes do intercourse for money -

I often wonder what is in this human body that has the power to separate two lovers, who have the strength to break a couple of spouses, who have the power to uphold the dignity of a human, who has the power to push the prostitute out of society, what is in this body? And leave aside the answer to this question, I often kept thinking that this question is a question?

People consider themselves and prostitutes separate because they have sex for money and the rest without money. But in reality, money has no existence of its own because money only exists from our needs. If you keep all your needs aside for some time, the existence of money will disappear completely.

Don't you think every human being is mating for some need, some for the body's need, some for expressing love, some for removing their stress, some for increasing their generation, and some to satisfy their stomach hunger.

So, in reality, there is no strength in this body. If there is something, that is people's ignorance and unawareness, which are busy dividing this world between countries, states, cities, villages, religions, castes, bigs and smalls.

I am just trying to say that a prostitute can be someone's choice or helplessness, but it cannot be a shame. This work is also pure like yours, and if not, then your work is also a shame like theirs. So it is neither right to use the word prostitute like an abuse nor to judge them.

- Thank you
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