Why your culture is baseless and nothing more than shit?

The motive of this article is not to hurt anyone's feelings or beliefs and not disrespecting any religion. I am just representing some points and facts.

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I have seen so many people debating on such type of topic that hijab is not in Quran, reasons behind wearing sindoor, etc., etc. some people say this is not written in this way this is written in this way or that way, or that's meaning is not that, that meaning is that. I often think is it matters that where something is written in some way when something comes to an individual one. What you should wear or not wear shouldn't depend on you; instead of relying on some predefined texts which were written so many years before. No one knows who wrote them and the real motive behind them, the conditions at that time, or anything else about that time. Is it matter that what is written in Gita, what is written in Quran, what is written in Bible, or somewhere else when it is about you, only about you? Don't you think these all debates are nonsense and baseless?


The main problem is not that, that what is written somewhere. The main problem is why you are forcing somebody to follow your rules, why we can not live our life according to us, why where we are born will define how we should live. You can write anything instead of these texts. You can not solve the problem because the main problem is not about what is written somewhere, the main problem is about every individual's freedom, and you can't solve liberty with rules.

I know some people did not see freedom in the right way. Some people say if we give everyone space, the crime rate will touch the graph's top, but this is not the truth about freedom because we can achieve freedom only by respecting others' freedom, which is the nature of freedom. Once we start respecting other's independence, the crime rate will automatically come to zero.

I often use the word GOD very carefully because I know most people will make a picture of God in their minds, and because of that, they always lose the whole concept. In reality, God has no image whatever you used the photos in your WhatsApp status or somewhere else that is all just full of shit nothing more than that. Hoping something with your God is just shit. Whatever you are doing for your God or religion is just shit. Protecting your God or religion is just shit.

Let's take an example to understand better why these all rules or so-call culture are baseless and nothing more than shit when it comes to you. My family belongs to Hindhu, and that's why I know more about this religion, and this is why I am taking the example of Sindoor, which most Hindu women practice wear after their marriage. Before reading forward, it is requesting to all readers that during reading forward please don't connect your religion to GOD and don't make an image of God in your mind because God and religion are a different concept. They are not connected in any way.

The reason behind wearing SINDOOR

When you google "why do married Indian women wear SINDOOR." You can get so many reasons behind it; mythological reasons, physiological reasons, health reasons, astrological reasons, and so on. The reality is that most of the women are just wearing not because of these all reasons but only because of culture and because of society or you can say, they practice it only because from a long time people are doing the same things. Now, after seeing their benefits you can say that, but it is for their excellent, right?

Take an apple and find the benefits of it. You will find it quickly, but the exciting fact is that an apple's benefits are applied to all humans. We all know very well that the reaction or effects of any matter, substance, or food is the same on all genders or humans. If an apple is healthy for women, it is also beneficial for men.

So the main question is not that, that "why do married Indian women wear sindoor." The main problem is that why these all rules apply to a woman or a particular one. If it is so healthy and magical, why didn't ancient men use it to live longer and healthier, stress-free lives? Why did they let only women enjoy the benefits of Sindoor? And why only married women had to wear it? Are unmarried girls and all men not entitled to a healthy life?

The benefits of these all things might be actual, but why these all rules are only for some particular ones. Why are they must for society? Why they can not be a just personal choice like an apple. Apple also has its so many health benefits, but this is our choice that we want to eat it or not.

- Thank you
इस आर्टिकल को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे।

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